safedrop - new look and feel, better simplicity, better security
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 10:40AM
Angus Bradley in new features, security, token security, upgrade

We've just upgraded the web interface. It's prettier, simpler, easier to use, and we hope reflects the simplicity of our service.

As a bonus, you can now send to multiple recipients through the web.  Just cut & paste lots of emails into the recipients field.

We've also protected your message history with email tokens, adding an extra level of security. So even if someone compromised your password, they would need your email as well to see the details any messages that are still live.

Did we do good job? We want to be the best secure messaging on the planet - let us know if we can do anything better.


Article originally appeared on safedrop - security, simplicity and lean business (
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