Share documents and messages securely

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safedrop lets your business share files and messages securely with anyone. 

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New feature - PDF delivery reports

We've just rolled out PDF delivery reports. These are sent out when your safedrop expires (which for most of our users seems to be one week).

The reports give full details of when the file was sent, and includes

  • the email address, IP, and time when each recipient downloaded files,  viewed messages or posted replies
  • How recipients were verified (SMS token, email token, or password)
  • The SHA 'fingerprint' for each file
  • A link to the online audit trail

 It doesn't include the text of any conversations, these are available online in your account.

The reports are nicely formatted and ready for printing, or filing away in your document management system.

This is the first step of some major improvements we're making to our reporting and audit trail. Need something else done? Let us know, and we'll try and build it for you.


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