Share documents and messages securely

Save costs and carbon

No dongles, plugins or passwords

safedrop lets your business share files and messages securely with anyone. 

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Not an inbox or outbox - mysafedrop box - all your secure messages in one place, with enhanced security

We just added a ‘my safedrops’ page where, at a glance, you can see all the safedrops you’ve sent, check for replies, or see if files have been downloaded. 

You don’t have to keep a track of all the email receipts, they’re secure and available online. It’s also easy to add comments to existing safedrops or change their expiry date. 

To protect all the extra data you're now able to view online, we’ve added extra security for this feature. To see the my safedrops page, you need to login with your password and also type in an email token that we’ll provide (we geeks call this mandatory 2 tier authentication). This takes a few seconds extra, we hope you’ll agree it’s worth it. As usual all files are deleted from our system after they expire, or after they self destruct.

This isn’t an inbox, or an outbox - as that’s one area where we feel email is tricky to work with. We’ve combined all messages in one place, and will be making it easier to archive and audit messages in future. safedrop will never be a full email replacement, but it is somewhere very safe for sensitive documents and discussions.


We’ll be adding more features to the mysafedrops page soon - what would you like to see? Tweet us at @safedropdotcom or email

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