Share documents and messages securely

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No dongles, plugins or passwords

safedrop lets your business share files and messages securely with anyone. 

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Entries in feature (4)


Not an inbox or outbox - mysafedrop box - all your secure messages in one place, with enhanced security

We just added a ‘my safedrops’ page where, at a glance, you can see all the safedrops you’ve sent, check for replies, or see if files have been downloaded. Being safedrop, we've added extra security here and

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Slight tweak to safedrop email format

We've tweaked the format a little, now the link appears above the users message. It's cleaner, and people certainly aren't going to miss the bright orange click here box!


safedrop receipts 

Now when you send a safedrop you'll notice the receipt has 1 extra line:

You can monitor activity on this SafeDrop here. You can also expire the drop, or change it's expiry date.

This is actually pretty powerful - now if you want to revoke a message just click the receipt and expire it. 
It's also one handy place with a complete history of who's accessed your safedrop.

click for big pic


New feature - secure message

Last week we sneaked in a new feature - secure messages. Now when you send a safedrop there’s an extra field ‘Secure Message’. The normal message gets placed in the email, and the new Secure Message will only be displayed once the recipient has got to the safedrop. If you select ‘delete on download’ they will see the message only once.

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